Internet Layer

Domain iv: Advice and Network Security (Designing and Protecting Network Security)

Eric Conrad , ... Joshua Feldman , in CISSP Written report Guide (Tertiary Edition), 2016

Net Layer

The Net Layer of the TCP/IP model aligns with the Layer 3 (Network) layer of the OSI model. This is where IP addresses and routing live. When data is transmitted from a node on 1 LAN to a node on a different LAN, the Net Layer is used. IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, and routing protocols (among others) are Internet Layer TCP/IP protocols.

Exam Warning

Layer 3 of the OSI model is called "Network." Practise not confuse OSI's layer 3 with the "Network Access" TCP/IP layer, which aligns with layers 1 and 2 of the OSI model.

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The OSI Model and Networking Protocols

Naomi J. Alpern , Robert J. Shimonski , in Eleventh Hour Network+, 2010

Layer 2: Cyberspace

Layer two in the DARPA model is the Internet layer, which maps to the network layer of the OSI model. The Internet layer is responsible for packaging, addressing, and routing the data.

Before data can be sent out over the network interface, it must have a standard format, size, and addressing scheme. The network interface layer is responsible but for taking the information information technology is given and translating it into signals on a physical medium. The Internet layer defines packet structure (what each bit of a data segment means), addressing, and routing.

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Jeremy Faircloth , in Enterprise Applications Administration, 2014

Internet Protocol

IP is a protocol within the Net layer of the TCP/IP model or the Network layer of the OSI model, which defines addressing and how individual messages are routed to their intended destination. IP addresses in IPv4 (the prevailing numbering system) follow a format of, where each decimal value (0–255) translates into 8 binary $.25 called an octet. For example, translates into 00001010.00000101.00000000.00000001. You'll typically deal with IP addresses in the decimal format, merely knowing the binary translation becomes important when dealing with subnetting which we'll discuss in a little flake.

I important affair to note about IP addresses is that every auto on a TCP/IP network volition have one or more than IP addresses assigned to it. Dissimilar MAC addresses where only ane address tin exist associated with a device, multiple IP addresses, through their nature of existence a logical address versus a concrete address, tin be assigned to a single device. This leverages the capabilities provided by the ARP protocol in the Link layer to perform the address translation appropriately.

IPv6 is a newer addresses scheme and was created to address the shortage of IP addresses under the IPv4 scheme. IPv6 uses a 128-fleck address as compared to IPv4 32-scrap addressing scheme. This change increases the number of bachelor addresses tremendously (from two32 to 2128) and changes quite a few things about how IP works. Due to these changes, IPv4 and IPv6 are not interoperable which has slowed the transition betwixt the 2 versions of the protocol. Virtually enterprise applications as of the time of this writing work on networks that are however using the IPv4 protocol and so most of our focus volition be on how IPv4 works rather than IPv6.

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Protocols and Communications Models

Edward Insam PhD, BSc , in TCP/IP Embedded Internet Applications, 2003

Network or routing layer

This layer is likewise known as the Internet layer. The layer roughly corresponds to the OSI network layer, and is responsible for routing messages betwixt different local networks. Devices responsible for routing messages between networks are called gateways or routers in TCP/IP terminology. The main protocol at this layer is the Internet protocol (IP). The IP frame format includes data fields for checksums and network addressing, also known as IP addresses, similar to those defined in the OSI network layer. IP addresses are crucial to the protocol. They are used throughout the Internet to identify every single node in the world continued to it. The IP protocol also includes data fields for fragmentation and block re-ordering. These roughly correspond to those defined in the OSI send layer. It is the task of the network layer software driver to provide for means of fragmenting and re-ordering packets. However, many upper layer protocols rely on curt packets only, and rarely if ever, take a need for fragmentation. Fragmentation is also inefficient in terms of manual overheads and costs. Most system designers volition adopt non to use fragmentation if they tin can avoid it. IP is described in RFC 791 (see final section of this chapter on how to become admission to RFC documents).

Other supporting protocols are also available at this layer level. These include the address resolution protocol (ARP) and the reverse address resolution protocol (RARP). These are used past nodes to match corresponding physical addresses to their allocated IP addresses. ARP is normally related to the physical network access layer, but in practice straddles both layers, every bit it has to know well-nigh physical addresses and IP addresses. ARP is described in RFC 826, and RARP in RFC 903. Some other protocol available in this layer is the Internet command message protocol (ICMP). This provides for some network management and maintenance functions, among these is the 'ping' role used by nodes to query the backdrop of other nodes in the network. ICMP is described in RFC 792.

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Distributed Data Resources

Randall J. Atkinson , J. Eric Klinker , in Advances in Computers, 1999

2.2 Threats and Issues

There are a number of risks at the Net layer or simply beneath the Cyberspace layer. This department describes some of these threats. Subsequently possible protection mechanisms for those threats will exist described. Threats involve not merely unicast traffic [ten] just also multicast traffic [ix].

For example, on LANs the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is used to resolve an Internet-layer address into a MAC-layer address (east.1000. Ethernet address) [74]. ARP operates using a simple unauthenticated request/response protocol. A node desiring to know the MAC address for a given IP accost sends out an ARP request packet. Any device on that LAN segment may ship an ARP response providing the answer. Although one typically wishes for the destination host to exist the only responder, there is no protection against an antagonist on that LAN from providing a simulated response that would redirect a victim's traffic to the adversary. Similar attacks are feasible using extensions to ARP such as Inverse ARP, where a host knowing its MAC accost seeks to find its IP address, and Proxy ARP, where a gateway responds on behalf of a node not on that IP subnet [thirteen].

In normal performance, ICMP letters are used to redirect traffic from 1 host or gateway towards some other host or gateway. Similarly, an ICMP Unreachable message is normally used to indicate that a particular destination is currently non reachable. Notwithstanding, a forged ICMP Unreachable or ICMP Redirect message tin likewise be used to implement a denial of service attack on a victim. Because ICMP messages are at the Internet layer, an Internet-layer security machinery can be used to protect ICMP from use as an attack vector. While IPv6 uses a slightly different set of ICMP messages than IPv4, the basic design remains the aforementioned [22].

Finally, the ICMP Router Discovery system has issues similar to those with ARP [25]. In ICMP Router Discovery, a host seeking its gateway sends out an ICMP Router Solicit message. Normally, each gateway on that IP subnet volition then send an ICMP Router Advertising message. The initial host then configures a gateway based on the Router Advertisements that information technology receives. If an adversary were to forge an ICMP Router Advertisement bulletin, the initial host could be fooled into sending its outbound traffic to the adversary instead of to its legitimate gateway. This could be used to eavesdrop on victim traffic or to implement a denial-of-service attack. A crucial difference betwixt the ARP attack and this attack is that ICMP could be protected if cryptographic authentication were bachelor at the Internet layer, whereas ARP cannot be protected via Internet-layer security mechanisms.

As the IETF worked to blueprint IP version half dozen (IPv6), consideration was given to designing a protocol that would be easier to secure from these kinds of attacks. For case, ARP was dropped completely for IPv6. Instead, IPv6 uses a organization known equally Neighbor Discovery (ND) when hosts need to discover each other'due south MAC addresses [65]. ND includes an IPv6 version of Router Discovery, thus eliminating whatever need for ARP or its relatives. Because ND is based on ICMP messages, ND tin can exist fully protected via Cyberspace-layer authentication mechanisms. However, most of the bug that affect IPv4 besides affect IPv6.

Many organizations operating IP-based networks utilize packet filters at their administrative boundaries to reduce risk of breakins from exterior their network. These packet filters are sometimes referred to as firewalls, fifty-fifty if a total-blown firewall might non be in apply. Alternately, many hosts now employ address-axial admission control lists to reduce risk of intrusions [86]. Such parcel filters commonly apply the Source IP Address, Destination IP Address, upper-layer protocol (e.g. TCP, UDP, or ICMP), Source Port, and Destination Port information to brand policy decisions. All of these items are present in either the IP header or in the upper-layer protocol (e.g. UDP or TCP) header. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to forge an IP packet. In the absenteeism of per-bundle cryptographic authentication, an adversary tin can often get past a bundle filtering firewall using forged IP packets. If per-packet cryptographic authentication were used, this kind of set on would not be possible. Moreover, cryptographic security mechanisms at the IP layer could exist used to protect upper-layer protocols and applications without changing the upper-layer engineering science.

In addition, there are a multifariousness of attacks on upper-layer protocols (e.g. TCP) that can be precluded past the utilise of cryptographic hallmark at the IP layer. These include TCP SYN flooding [20], TCP Sequence Number prediction [62], and others [10]. UDP Port Flooding attacks and forged ICMP Redirect attacks tin can besides be protected using cryptographic authentication at the IP layer [19, 58]. A non-cryptographic arroyo to precluding TCP Sequence Number prediction has been identified [11].

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MCSA/MCSE 70-291: Reviewing TCP/IP Basics

Deborah Littlejohn Shinder , ... Laura Hunter , in MCSA/MCSE (Test seventy-291) Study Guide, 2003

Layer Two: Internet (or Internetworking)

The next layer in the DoD model is the Internet layer, which maps to the Network layer of the OSI model. The Internet layer, so called because of the addressing scheme that makes communications possible across a network of networks, or internetwork, is responsible for packaging, addressing, and routing the information. When this layer was originally conceived, the Internet as we know it today did not exist. The concept behind this layer was to define a framework for 2 computers to connect to one another to share data. This laid the foundation for widespread internetworking, which led to what we now know as the Internet.

Before information can be sent out over the Network Interface, it must have a standard format, size, and addressing scheme. The Network Interface layer is responsible only for taking the data it is given and translating that to signals on a physical medium. The Internet layer defines packet structure (what each bit of a data segment means), addressing, and routing. Afterwards in this chapter, we'll talk over the 4 primary protocols used past TCP/IP that work at the Internet layer: the Internet Protocol (IP), Internet Control Bulletin Protocol (ICMP), Internet Grouping Management Protocol (IGMP), and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

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Geopositioning of fog nodes based on user device location and framework for game theoretic applications in an fog to deject network

Anjan Bandyopadhyay , ... Vaskar Sarkar , in Contempo Trends in Computational Intelligence Enabled Research, 2021

thirteen.five.4 User-to-user data transfer using fog nodes

In modernistic estimator networking, the substitution of data betwixt systems takes place using the TCP/IP model. This model consists of four layers, which are the application layer, transport layer, Internet layer, and the network interface layer ( Mundra and El Taeib).

The application layer is the topmost layer and is placed closest to the end users. The ship layer uses the transmission control protocol (TCP), which ensures that the data packets are correctly delivered between the devices. The Internet layer handles the movement of the packets through the network and makes sure that the packets reach the destination regardless of which path they take. Finally, the network interface layer describes how the packets are to exist physically transferred through the network (Fig. 13.4).

Figure 13.four. Typical 4-layer network model.

This type of data transmission protocol is implementable through the proposed fog network. Fig. 13.5 depicts the schema for data transmission from device D i to device D j through the F2C network.

Figure 13.five. Data transmission through the network.

The device D i (sender) sends the data every bit a parcel to its assigned FNL1, in the FNL1 the packet is divided into subpackets from where the subpackets are sent to the networks of FNL2s where they hop betwixt them until the subpackets reach the FNL1 under which device D j (receiver) resides. At the FNL1, the subpackets are reassembled to grade the original packet and are forwarded to D j .

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Jan Fifty. Harrington , in Ethernet Networking for the Small Office and Professional Home Function, 2007

Routers and the TCP/IP Protocol Stack

Considering a router makes its decisions based on IP addresses, it must contain plenty of the TCP/IP protocol stack to strip off Concrete- and Data Link-layer headers and trailers to expose the Net layer parcel. Later making the routing decision, information technology must transport the packet back down the protocol stack so that it can be reencapsulated for travel over the network wire. As you tin see in Figure half dozen-4, a package coming into Router i travels up the protocol stack for handling and so back down the stack to go out onto the wire to the adjacent hop router. The process continues until the bundle reaches the router to which the packet's destination subnet or device is connected.

Figure 6-four. Router packet handling

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Jan 50. Harrington , in Ethernet Networking for the Pocket-size Role and Professional person Home Role, 2007

The TCP/IP Protocol Stack

In Figure 1-3 you volition find the TCP/IP stack. Such layering always has a hardware layer (the physical layer in Figure 1-3) at the lesser. The remaining layers are software and stand for to groups of data communications protocols.

Figure 1-3. The TCP/IP protocol stack

From the lesser upwardly, the TCP/IP layers are

Network Access layer (also known equally the Data Link layer): The protocols in this layer encompass the manner in which hardware gains access to the transmission media.

Internet layer (likewise known as the Network layer): The Internet layer contains protocols that are used when messages must travel between two interconnected LANs or intranets. This is where the protocols for the IP portion of TCP/IP tin can exist found.

Transport layer: The Ship layer ensure reliable transfer of information, independent of the application programs that are using the data. This layer contains the TCP portion of TCP/IP.

Application layer: The protocols in this layer are those found in the programs that a node uses to access the network.

When you obtain networking software, yous are getting implementations of protocols at i or more layers in a protocol stack.

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